Top 5 Reasons in 2023 Why Dental Implants Are So Popular

Children’s dentistry

What Are Dental Implants?

Dental implants are a type of prosthetic device that is used to replace missing teeth. Unlike dentures or bridges, which rely on the surrounding teeth for support, implants are surgically placed into the jawbone. As a result, they form a more secure and stable foundation for artificial teeth and are almost permanent.

Dental implants can cater to your needs whether you have one missing tooth or more. Implants are also used to support a complete set of dentures that can be removable or fixed.

When Are Dental Implants Recommended?

Dental implants are usually recommended for adults who have lost teeth due to periodontal disease, tooth decay, or injury. They are also sometimes used to support dentures. However, children and teens typically are not good candidates for dental implants because their bones are still growing.

Benefits of Dental Implants

Dental implants offer benefits including:

· Unmatched Stability and Durability: Dental implants stand out due to their exceptional stability and durability. They are securely fixed in the jawbone, providing sturdiness that surpasses other replacement options. With success rates of 95% for lower jaw implants and 90% for upper jaw implants, dental implants are renowned for their long-lasting reliability.

· Permanent Tooth Replacement: One of the standout advantages of dental implants is their permanence. Once implanted, they become a part of your oral anatomy, eliminating concerns about shifting, breaking, or falling out. Unlike removable options, dental implants offer a permanent solution to tooth loss, providing peace of mind and confidence in your smile.

· Natural Look and Feel: Dental implants function like real teeth and closely mimic their appearance. This dual functionality makes them the ideal choice for tooth loss. They seamlessly blend with your natural teeth in terms of aesthetics and functionality. No one can distinguish between dental implants and natural teeth, ensuring a confident and authentic smile.

· Improved Quality of Life: Beyond aesthetics, dental implants significantly enhance your quality of life. They allow you to enjoy foods you like without discomfort or restrictions. Speaking, laughing, and smiling become effortless and worry-free. With dental implants, you regain the confidence and comfort that tooth loss may have taken away.

Implants vs. Bridges

Choosing between dental implants and bridges is essential when faced with tooth loss. Dental implants are a modern solution that prevents jawbone shrinkage and offers long-lasting stability. Unlike dental bridges, implants don’t require altering adjacent healthy teeth, preserving their integrity.

On the other hand, traditional bridges, the older approach, involve modifying neighbouring teeth to support the bridge. They demand more rigorous cleaning and typically last 8 to 12 years. If anchoring teeth encounter issues, the entire bridge may need replacement. Dental bridges are suitable for replacing a few missing teeth, usually up to four.

Combining dental implants and implant-supported bridges for extensive tooth loss provides superior stability and durability. This comprehensive approach enhances the bridge’s longevity, making it a sturdy solution for multiple missing teeth.

Why Must You Get Dental Implants?

  • To Prevent Further Bone Loss: When a tooth is lost, the bone that supports it deteriorates. Dental implants help to preserve and stimulate bone growth, preventing further bone loss.
  • To Improve Your Appearance: Implants look natural and can restore your beautiful smile. They don’t just make you look better but also allow you to eat, smile, and speak with confidence.
  • To Improve Your Oral Health: Dental implants do not require special care beyond regular brushing and flossing. Also, they keep your teeth from shifting out of place, which can lead to more serious oral health problems.
  • To Improve Facial and Bone Structure: Dental implants improve facial and bone structure because they replace missing teeth, which helps maintain the shape of your face and jaw. When you lose a tooth, the bone that holds that tooth in place starts to shrink. This may cause your face to look sunken in, your jawbone to weaken, and wrinkles to form around your mouth. Dental implants fill the empty spaces where teeth are missing, stimulating the bone to grow back and preserving the natural shape of your face and jaw.
  • To Achieve a Natural Look and Get a Comfortable Fit: Dental implants are the only tooth-replacement option that mimics the look and feel of your natural teeth. They are also custom-made to fit your mouth, making them more comfortable than other options, such as dentures.

Are Dental Implants for Everyone?

At Studio Smiles, we evaluate our clients for dental implant surgery on the following:

  • Bone – Bone is significant for dental implant surgery because dental implants are inserted into the bone to provide stability and strength. If there is not enough bone, or if the bone is weak, then a dental implant may not be able to be placed.

    To determine if you have enough bone, we take X-rays and use other imaging techniques to measure the amount and density of your bone. In case of insufficient bone, options are available to help build up the bone so that dental implants can be placed.

  • Gum tissue – The gum tissue must be healthy for dental implant surgery to be successful. Therefore, if you have gum disease, it must be treated before dental implant surgery can be performed.
  • Medical history – We will review your medical history to ensure you are healthy enough for dental implant surgery. Certain medical conditions, such as diabetes or heart disease, may make dental implant surgery riskier. Smokers are also at a higher risk for complications from dental implant surgery.
  • Commitment to oral hygiene – Good oral hygiene is a must for the success of dental implant surgery. If you don’t regularly brush and floss your teeth or have a history of cavities or gum disease, you do not qualify for dental implants.

    If you are considering dental implants, we encourage you to schedule a consultation with us so that we can evaluate your case and determine if dental implants are right for you.

What’s the Procedure?

The first step in getting dental implants is to meet with a qualified dentist. They will evaluate your mouth and determine if you are a good candidate for this procedure. This evaluation will include taking X-rays and impressions of your mouth so the dentist can create a custom treatment plan for you.

Once they confirm that you are a good candidate for dental implants, the next step is to begin the process. This procedure is typically done under local anaesthesia, so you will be awake during the surgery. But first, the dentist will make a small incision in your gum line and place the implant into the bone.

After the implant has been placed, it must heal for several months before the permanent tooth can be placed. You will likely need to wear a temporary denture or bridge during this time. Once the implant has healed, the permanent tooth will be attached, and you can eat and drink as usual.

Read this blog for more: Smile confidently with All-on-4 dental implants.

Are There Any Disadvantages to Dental Implants?

While dental implants offer remarkable benefits, it’s essential to consider some potential drawbacks. One significant disadvantage is the extended treatment timeline. Unlike other dental procedures, implant treatment is a multi-step process that takes longer. It involves removing the damaged tooth (if not already done), waiting for about 2 to 3 months for implant placement, and another 2 to 3 months for the implant to heal and fuse with the bone. The final stage includes a 2-week waiting period for the dental crown to be fabricated and placed. In comparison, traditional bridge treatments typically take around three months or less.

Another factor to keep in mind is the cost. Dental implants tend to be more expensive than bridges. However, they offer a longer lifespan, making them a worthwhile investment in the long run.

No Diet Restrictions with Dental Implants

Many teeth replacement procedures restrict you from eating certain foods because of fear of damaging the replacement. Dental implants are different. Since they also replace your tooth root, they fuse with your jawbone and become strong enough to support single teeth replacements (crowns), bridges, or even dentures.

This means you can eat whatever you want without worrying about your new teeth becoming loose or falling out. Moreover, to maintain the condition of your dental implants, you must practice good oral hygiene habits like brushing and flossing daily. You should also see your dentist regularly for cleanings and check-ups.

Dental implants typically last a lifetime with proper care. However, they can only succeed if they are placed correctly or if they are cared for properly. Therefore, if you have dental implants, it is essential to see your dentist regularly so that they can check the implants and make sure they are still in place and functioning correctly.

Dental implants replace missing teeth and provide a more permanent solution than other options, such as dentures. If you want to fix your missing teeth issue with dental implants, you must consult the qualified dentists at Studio Smiles to ensure they are the best option for you. Call us today to book an appointment with us.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What happens after dental implant surgery?

After dental implant surgery, you must clean and dry the surgical area. You may also be given antibiotic prescriptions and pain medications. It is essential to follow all post-operative instructions carefully to ensure a successful surgery and healing process. In most cases, your dentist will recommend you avoid eating crunchy foods for the initial weeks after surgery.

Also, brush and floss your teeth carefully to avoid irritating the surgical area. You can resume your regular diet and oral hygiene routine within a few weeks. However, you should expect some swelling and bruising around the implant. The swelling will reduce within a few days. You may also notice mild discomfort or soreness, which will subside within a week. Do not hesitate to contact your dentist if you experience unusual symptoms or problems after surgery.

How successful are dental implants?

The success rate of dental implants is incredibly high, especially when you factor in the long-term success rate. Dental implants have a success rate of 98 per cent, which is significantly higher than most other forms of tooth replacement. That’s because they are fixed directly into the jawbone, providing a solid foundation that mimics the natural tooth roots. This not only helps to keep the implant in place but also prevents bone loss in the jawbone. Additionally, the material used for dental implants is designed to fuse with the jawbone, further increasing the stability and longevity of the implant.

One of the reasons why dental implants have such a high success rate is because experienced and skilled oral surgeons place them. Oral surgeons specialising in dental implants have undergone extensive training to ensure they can place implants correctly. Additionally, oral surgeons who place dental implants are typically very familiar with the anatomy of the mouth and jaw, which helps them avoid potential complications.

Do dental implants last?

The answer to this depends on several factors, including the patient’s health, the quality of the implant, and the level of care taken after the implant surgery. However, with proper care, dental implants can last a lifetime.

One factor affecting dental implants’ longevity is the patient’s health. Patients with chronic illnesses or who smoke cigarettes are at higher risk for complications from implant surgery. These patients may also have a more challenging time healing after surgery, leading to an increased risk of infection.

The quality of the implant also plays a role in how long it lasts. Implants made from lower-quality materials are more likely to break down or come loose over time. Additionally, implants not placed correctly can also come loose and cause problems.

How many missing teeth can dental implants replace?

The number of teeth that can be replaced with dental implants will vary depending on the individual. In addition, the placement of the implants will also play a role in how many can be used. In general, however, it is typically possible to replace anywhere from one to all of the teeth with implants.

If an individual is only missing a few teeth, then dental implants can be used to fill in the gaps. This will give them a full, natural-looking smile. In addition, it may be possible to get implant-supported dentures for those missing all their teeth. These dentures are attached to the implants, providing a more secure fit.

Are dental implants expensive?

The cost of dental implants depends on factors like the type of implant, the number of implants required, the difficulty of the procedure, and the geographic location. The best part of having dental implants is that they are considered a long-term investment because they can last for many years, often decades, with proper care.

Additionally, dental implants can help to preserve bone structure in the jaw. As a result, they can support adjacent teeth, which may reduce the need for additional dental work. If you want dental implants for your missing teeth, consult a qualified implant dentist to discuss all your options and get an estimate of the cost of your specific procedure.