Are you in need of root canal therapy?


Why choose root canal therapy?

Root canal therapy is a treatment that is used to save an infected tooth instead of completely removing it. Sometimes the inside of your tooth, known as the dental pulp, can become damaged or die. This can lead to an infection, causing you to experience severe tooth pain, eventually spreading to your other teeth.

In order to avoid removing your infected tooth entirely, root canal therapy is performed. This involves creating a hole in your tooth, removing the dental pulp, filling it and then placing a crown over it. A root canal is a straightforward, pain-free treatment that alleviates any pain caused by the infected tooth. An effective and highly successful treatment, root canal therapy restores your natural tooth and avoids the need for extraction or artificial replacement. Book your appointment today, and smile with confidence.

Root Canal Therapy

Root Canal Treatment for Bayside Residents in Melbourne

One of the most important things you can do for your teeth is to get regular dental checkups and cleanings. But even with good dental hygiene, you may still need a root canal. Root canal treatment is necessary when the pulp, or nerve, of your tooth becomes damaged or infected. While it may sound daunting, a root canal is actually a fairly common procedure that can relieve pain and save your tooth. During the procedure, the damaged pulp is removed and the inside of the tooth is cleaned and sealed. In most cases, patients report feeling little to no discomfort during or after the procedure. And with proper care, your restored tooth can last a lifetime. We are available for all families in the bayside area of Melbourne including Highett, Bentleigh, Bentleigh East, Beaumaris, Hampton, Hampton East, Sandringham, Cheltenham, Moorabbin, Mentone, and Black Rock. So, if you are experiencing pain or sensitivity in a tooth, don’t delay in getting it checked out by a dentist. Root canal treatment may be exactly what you need.

What is the Root Canal Therapy Procedure at Studio Smiles?

Our team here at Studio Smiles is proud to offer root canal therapy, also known as endodontic treatment. This procedure is necessary when the pulp, or soft tissue, inside the tooth becomes inflamed or infected. The pulp contains blood vessels, nerves, and connective tissue, and it helps to nourish the tooth. However, if it becomes damaged or infected, it can cause severe pain and lead to tooth loss. Root canal therapy involves removing the pulp from the tooth, cleaning the inside of the tooth, and then filling and sealing the tooth. The procedure is usually performed over the course of two visits. First, we numb the area around the tooth and made a small opening in order to access the pulp. Next, we removed the pulp using special instruments and cleaned the inside of the tooth. Finally, we sealed the tooth with a filling or a crown in order to protect it from further damage. Root canal therapy is a safe and effective way to save a damaged tooth. If you are experiencing severe pain or sensitivity, please call us today to schedule an appointment.

Same-day dental crowns to complete the root canal treatment

During a root canal, the damaged or infected pulp is removed from the tooth. To protect the tooth from further damage, a dental crown is placed over it. In the past, this process would require two visits to the dentist. First, the root canal would be performed and a temporary crown would be placed. Then, a few weeks later, the patient would return to have the permanent crown placed. Thanks to advances in technology, we are now able to place the permanent crown on the same day as the root canal procedure.

Who is eligible for root canal treatment?

Root canal treatment is typically recommended for patients who have developed an infection in the pulp of their tooth. The pulp is the soft tissue that contains blood vessels, nerves, and other cells. When the pulp becomes damaged or inflamed, it can often lead to pain and swelling. In some cases, root canal treatment may also be recommended for patients who have developed a large cavity that has reached the pulp.

In order to determine if you are a candidate for root canal treatment, your dentist will first need to take X-rays of your mouth and evaluate the extent of the damage. If you are deemed a suitable candidate, the next step will be to clean out the infected pulp and seal the tooth. Root canal treatment is typically successful in relieving pain and restoring function to the affected tooth.

However, it is important to note that root canal treatment does not prevent future decay or infection. As such, it is important to practice good oral hygiene habits and visit your dentist regularly for checkups.

Laser Dental Treatment

Emergency root canal therapy at Studio Smiles

Here at Studio Smiles, we understand that a toothache can be a real emergency. That’s why we offer emergency root canal therapy to our patients. Root canal therapy is a treatment that can save an infected tooth. The procedure involves removing the infected tissue from the inside of the tooth and then filling and sealing the tooth.

In most cases, root canal therapy can be performed in just one appointment. We understand that dealing with a toothache can be stressful, so we make every effort to provide prompt and effective treatment. If you are experiencing a toothache, we encourage you to contact us right away for emergency root canal therapy.

What is root canal therapy?

A root canal is a treatment used to save a tooth that has been damaged by decay or infection. The procedure involves removing the damaged tissue from the tooth, cleaning and sealing the tooth to prevent further damage.

Do I need a root canal?

If you have a toothache, there’s a reasonable chance you may require a root canal. A toothache commonly feels like a dull throbbing ache which may at times become sharp (acute). Commonly a toothache may wake you at night (although not always). Usually, dental pain which lingers more than a few seconds indicates a toothache. It may also be triggered by hot or cold stimuli, as well as sweet. When the issue has become chronic it may boil over and cause an abscess which is a sign of spreading infection. However, the best way to find out if you need a root canal is to get it checked out by a dentist at Studio Smiles.

I’ve heard root canals are painful?

There are many myths surrounding root canal treatments, and one of the longstanding myths is that they are extremely uncomfortable/painful. Now the truth is that once upon a time (decades ago) the way root canal treatments were performed in certain countries did make for a rather unpleasant experience. However, modern day root canal treatments are relatively pain-free. Often patients at Studio Smiles are surprised by how comfortable and quick their root canal treatments are. Once the anaesthetic kicks in and we have the noise cancelling headphones on with your favourite movie overhead, many patients forget they are even at the dentist. It’s not uncommon for patients to fall asleep during their root canal treatment (which we take as a compliment).

What makes Studio Smiles different?

All our root canals are performed under the operating microscope – a tool rarely found in general dental practice. Root canal treatments are highly intricate as the nerve tissue being removed is often fractions of a millimeter. Moreover, there can often be additional nerves due to anatomic variations. By using our operating microscope, we can perform the treatment at 10x magnification and higher. Seeing better means we can find and remove all of the nerve tissue with higher accuracy – studies have shown operating microscopes to improve treatment success by up to 20%. Having an operating microscope means that root canals at Studio Smiles can be completed to the level of a specialist clinic.

Why do I need a crown after my root canal?

Your dentist may recommend a crown after a root canal, and certainly at Studio Smiles this is standard practice. Once a root canal is complete the infection inside the tooth has been dealt with, however oftentimes the tooth is now quite weak, and the next concern becomes tooth fracture. Of course, it would be a shame to have spent the time and energy saving a tooth from infection only to lose it to fracture. This is where a dental crown, generally a porcelain (ceramic) crown comes in. The crown will act as a helmet for the tooth, holding it together and protecting it from further damage and breakage. Generally, it is best to have the tooth protected with a crown immediately following the root canal treatment, however in certain situations it may be recommended to delay the crown to allow the tooth to heal first.

Why do I need root canal therapy?

There are a number of reasons why you might need a root canal. If your tooth is badly decayed or infected, the pulp inside the tooth could become damaged. This can lead to pain, inflammation, and eventually the death of the tooth. Without treatment, the tooth will eventually need to be removed. A root canal can help to save the tooth and prevent further damage. Root canals are also sometimes necessary after trauma to the tooth. If the tooth receives a blow that results in a crack or fracture, bacteria can enter the pulp and cause an infection. In this case, a root canal can help to clean out the infection and save the tooth.

If you think you may need a root canal, it’s important to see a dentist as soon as possible. Early treatment will increase your chances of saving the tooth and avoiding further complications.

Are there any other alternatives?

The main alternative to root canal therapy is extraction. This is when the infected tooth is removed, taking the infection with it. You may then elect to have the missing tooth replaced with a bridge, implant, or denture. However, where a tooth can be saved with a root canal treatment, this is generally the preferred option as there is nothing better than maintaining a natural tooth. Although the upfront cost may be higher than having the tooth removed (extracted), in the long term it is generally the more cost-effective option as replacing a missing tooth later down the track is generally more expensive. Moreover, even with the tooth replaced it may be less effective for chewing and biting compared to your natural tooth. Where possible we recommend root canal therapy as a safe and effective solution to save your natural tooth.

How long does a root canal treatment take?

When a tooth becomes damaged or infected, it may require a root canal to save it from being extracted. This dental procedure involves removing the damaged tissue from inside the tooth and then sealing it to prevent further infection.

Root canals can usually be completed in one or two visits to the dentist, although more severe cases may require additional appointments. The length of the procedure will also depend on the number of roots that need to be treated. After a root canal, it is important to care for the tooth with proper oral hygiene and regular dental check-ups to ensure that the infection does not return.

How much does a root canal treatment cost?

The fee for a root canal treatment can range between $880 and $1,980. The treatment for front teeth is generally more straightforward and hence the treatment cost is lower, whereas back molar (chewing) teeth tend to have more complex anatomy and hence the cost is higher. It is common for patients to choose to save their tooth with a root canal treatment over a cheaper extraction because of the availability of payment plans. Interest-free payment plans allow patients at Studio Smiles to get the treatment that they want when they need it most, without the stress of having to pay for the treatment up front. Smile now, pay later. For more information about our payment plans please click here.

If your tooth is causing you severe pain, call Studio Smiles directly to book an appointment. We have a policy that ensures we do everything we can to fit you in that same day so you can be pain-free. Get treated with comfort and care. Book an appointment today.

Will my treatment hurt?

Here at Studio Smiles, we take pride in our emphasis on pain-free dentistry. We understand that going to the dentist can be daunting and that there are certain procedures you may find uncomfortable, so we use the latest techniques and technology to make you feel as comfortable as we possibly can. We also offer oral and IV sedation to take the edge off where needed, which means you can wake up to the smile of your dreams without remembering a thing! Book an appointment today.

Is there anything I need to do after a root canal?

It is important to care for your teeth after a root canal to prevent further damage. Your dentist will give you specific instructions on how to care for your teeth, but generally you should avoid chewing hard foods, brush and floss regularly, and see your dentist for regular checkups.

wisdom teeth

With our specialised dental microscope, root canal treatments have never been easier.

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Why choose Studio Smiles Highett ?

Flexible Payments

Visiting the dentist can be costly. That’s why we’ve come up with our ‘Smile Now, Pay Later’ solution. With interest-free payment plans for Highett patients, you’ll be able to pay on your own terms.

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Dental Expertise

With over 40 years of combined dental experience serving Highett, we know what it takes to achieve the smile of your dreams. We’ve thought about every detail so you can feel completely confident.

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We’re on a mission to show you that visiting the dentist doesn’t have to be unpleasant. Our professional dentist team focuses solely on you and any concerns you have for an enjoyable and painless experience.

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